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The legal aspects of surrogacy in South Africa

Surrogacy in South Africa is legal and it is performed for altruistic reasons. It is illegal for the surrogate mother to charge for carrying a baby for the commissioning parent/s except for the monthly expenses stipulated in Chapter 19 of the South African Children’s...

What is a surrogate mother?

A Surrogate Mother is a woman who agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or a couple called the Commissioning Parent(s). There are two kinds of surrogate mothers. The preferred route to go with surrogacy in South Africa is using a Gestational Surrogate Mother....

Why would someone use a surrogate?

Heterosexual and homosexual couples or single parents use the assistance of a surrogate mother in order to have a child. A woman might decide to use a surrogate for several reasons: She may have medical problems with her uterus, such as recurring uterine fibroids,...

How do I find a surrogate?

There isn’t one, central organization which one can approach to find a surrogate mother in South Africa. There are however a few options that you can explore: The best option is to find a surrogate mother yourself. It could be a sister, a cousin, a friend or a...