Fertility Treatment, IVF / ART
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) involves several types of medical treatment designed to result in pregnancy. Types of ART include in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), embryo...
Fertility Treatment, IVF / ART
If the embryos are developing normally, the woman will return to the clinic to have the embryos transferred into her uterus. The embryos will usually be at the two to eight cell stage. Some clinics are now letting embryos grow for 5 days to the blastocyst stage. The...
Fertility Medicines, Fertility Treatment
Infertility can be overwhelming. Not only are you faced with the shock of not being able to have a child, but suddenly you are thrust into learning an entirely new language. This section of our site is intended to provide you with factual information on the most...
Fertility Treatment, Newsletter Articles, Third Party Reproduction, Using Donor Egg
Women who require egg donation as a form of fertility treatment or supporting their IVF are often those who have reached an advanced maternal age. Generally, woman may begin to consider egg donation in their late 30’s. Egg donation is also recommended if people...
Fertility Treatment, Using Donor Sperm
Many infants are conceived each year using this method. Couples use donor sperm (DS) when the husband/partner has no sperm or a very poor semen analysis (azoospermia, oligospermia, poor motility), or when there is a genetic problem which could be inherited from the...
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