Infertility does not discriminate in any way. It doesn’t care if you’re financially stable and ready, it doesn’t care if it’s all you think about it, and that it’s the deepest desire of your heart. Anyone can suffer from it. People of all races, genders, religions, sexuality or economic status. Infertility can affect anyone. Remember- one in six couples experience infertility. It may not have affected anyone else in your family; you may have no idea where it came from. That is infertility, a lot of unknowns and undoubtedly, a disease.
You never know how badly you want something until you are told that it may not be possible. It really is true when they say you never know the battle another person is facing. While infertility has come a long way in recent decades, it’s still a subject most people are uncomfortable with. But with so many people around the world suffering with this issue, what are we so afraid to talk about?
When we start talking about Infertility, you will find yourself in awe listening to stories of people in your life that you never would have guessed had experienced infertility. You will find that the world of infertility is survivable and is actually (this might be hard to believe) an amazing place filled with the strongest people you will ever meet.
Dr. Sonya Kashyap, a Fertility Specialist, once said:
“As a fertility doctor, I would like to bring to light that infertility is not a choice, much like many other medical conditions. As I watched all the different people come through the clinic, it made me realize even more so that infertility does not discriminate.
Here are a few stories of patients who have visited my clinic this week.
- A 33-year-old woman is freezing embryos to use after she has completed treatment for her uterine cancer. She will be without the use of her own uterus and therefore will require a surrogate to conceive.A 29-year-old woman whose husband has no sperm because of chemotherapy. Fortunately, he froze some sperm before treatment.
- A couple lost their child last year due to a rare genetic condition.
- A same sex couple who met late in their 30s.
- A 25-year old woman who was born without eggs.
- Two women who have breast cancer are preserving their fertility. One is 29 and the other is 33. They should not lose their ability to have children because of a disease caused by genetic and/or environmental causes.
- A couple in their 30’s who have been struggling to conceive for 3 years already. Her father is dying of cancer and they would love to have him know a grandchild is on the way.
- A 35-year old lawyer who unfortunately still lives in the career path of a man’s world. She has to choose between having a child, freezing eggs and/or pursuing her career during the next five to ten critical years of career development.”
Sometimes, basically knowing that anyone of any walk of life can experience Infertility, brings a little comfort. It helps you feel less alone, less different
By: Dr. Sonya Kashyap
Dr. Angeline Beltsos, Special to CNN
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