I am the adoptive mother of Sam (not his real name) – the most beautiful little boy in the world!! I have travelled the infertility road as well as the adoption road and I know it is one of the hardest things anyone can go through – AND that it is particularly difficult for a woman to go through.
Because no matter how much support you get from your partner, YOU are the one having to go through all the injections, pills, hormonal changes, the pain of over-stimulation, egg retrieval and the excruciating pain of a pregnancy loss and infertility. So I am particularly proud of women traveling this very difficult road. Our dream came true after 6 IVF’s. We battled 7 years with the battle that is infertility. I was filled with so much anguish and pain with every failed IVF-attempt and miscarriage and had so many feelings of hopelessness and despair. We had the option of another IVF or the option to start the adoption journey. We chose the latter.
Adoption is a tremendously hard road to travel – a road that reaches extreme peaks and troughs and sharp bends but for us, finally, it led to super-abundant joy: Our little boy. His birthmom and us started our journey together when she was 18 weeks pregnant, until the day she received full anesthetic (her choice) and our little boy was lifted from her body into my hands. I am eternally grateful for the blessing to be this little boy’s mommy!
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