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Our journey of infertility started in 2010 Me and hubby decidedthat I was gonna go off my birth control so that we can start our own little family.a-journey-through-infertility-image
For the first 4 months nothing happened. AF (Aunt Flu) didn’t even arrive and being excited cause its not coming you keep on taking pregnancy tests but all of it was a BFN (Big fat negative). So we decided it will be best to go see a gynaecologist to find out what is going on and why we are struggling (yes they say wait a year after you started TTC (trying to
conceive) but you just know when you need to go).  With my first scan at the doctor I was diagnosed with PCOs. Luckily I had my husband there for support.  Doctor prescribed some medication(hormones) and I gained a lot of weight.  I was with this doctor for about a month and decided that I need to see a doctor who knows more about PCOs.

I made an appointment with lets call him “doctor x” … At first everything looked promising. Started with Clomid 50mg and we worked our way up to 150mg.. It didn’t want to work and I got really frustrated with everything.  So I asked doctor x what is the next thing we can do.. he told me we can try Ovarian Drilling. Sound scary when I think of it all now, but at that moment I was so emotionally drained that I just couldn’t deal with more pills and scans if we knew it was not working. I got booked for my ovarian the day after tomorrow. (So was a quick decision).  After ovarian drilling Clomid  150mg started to work. We were over the moon and we did 2 IUI (for both it was BFN). By now I have started hearing not very good stuff about Dr x but wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But he never wanted to start with injections seeing that Clomid stopped working after about 3 months since the ovarian drilling.

Now let me tell you this. Infertility takes the fun out of sex. Everything is timed and it also put a lot of strain on a marriage. So 2013 – December
2014 we took a break. We worked on our marriage and started to enjoy life again.

After a nephew and niece my heart started aching for a baby of our own again.

That’s how I got to my new doctor. Lets call him Doctor Y.  For the first time I felt like it all is gonna work out the way it should. Made an appointment to see him. Nurse told us that all blood test and sperm test need to be done before the first appointment that Dr can see what he is working with and that he can work out a plan for us as a couple.

First appointment:  Was over an hour long. He did speak to us about everything. He explained all the options and cost of every option. Did scan and so it was confirmed I have PCOs & Endometriosis.  Together with the doctor we decided not to start with any medication straight away and waited for January 2015 for surgery to be done. Make sure tubes is open and sort out the Endometriosis & whatever needed to be done sort it out.

First  cycle did not go like we hoped and medication was increased.

Now we are waiting for the 2nd cycle with this doctor to start and hope that all goes like it should and we can do IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)

This is our journey from 2010 – 2015